About Us

Our Journey

The Genesis of Innovation:

Panel PC Industrial

ABPanelPC was founded in 2015 in Hudson, Massachusetts, but the seeds of our inception were sown much earlier. Our founder, a visionary with a profound passion for computer engineering and industrial automation, identified a significant gap in the market for specialized computing solutions tailored for the rigorous demands of industrial environments. This realization sparked the idea of ABPanelPC – a company dedicated to bridging this gap with innovation and expertise.

Early Days and Initial Challenges:

In the early days, ABPanelPC started with a small, dedicated team operating out of a modest office. We faced numerous challenges, from limited resources to intense competition in the technology sector. However, our commitment to quality and relentless pursuit of excellence helped us to slowly carve out a niche in the industrial computing market. We focused on understanding the unique needs of various industries, which became the cornerstone of our product development strategy.

Milestones and Growth:

The first major milestone came with the release of our flagship panel PC, which received acclaim for its robustness, reliability, and cutting-edge technology. This success laid the groundwork for further innovation and expansion. We began collaborating with leading experts in fields like automation and manufacturing, integrating their insights into our product development.

Expanding Our Horizons:

As we grew, so did our ambitions. We expanded our product line to include a wide range of panel PCs, each designed to meet specific industry standards and requirements. Our commitment to customization and scalability allowed us to cater to a broader spectrum of industrial applications, from manufacturing floors to medical laboratories.

Building a Reputation:

Year after year, ABPanelPC built its reputation as a provider of high-quality, durable, and innovative industrial computing solutions. We started attending and presenting at major industry conferences, which further solidified our standing in the market. Partnerships with other tech giants gave us additional platforms to showcase our expertise and expand our reach.

Global Expansion:

The international expansion was a pivotal phase in our journey. We established partnerships and opened offices in several countries, adapting our products to meet diverse global standards and requirements. This phase not only broadened our market reach but also enriched our understanding of global industrial needs, driving further innovation.

Today and Tomorrow:

Today, ABPanelPC stands as a beacon of innovation and excellence in the industrial computing sector. With a robust portfolio of products and a growing global presence, we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible in industrial computing. Looking forward, we are excited about delving into new technologies such as IoT integration and AI, further revolutionizing industrial operations and maintaining our commitment to driving progress and efficiency.

Our Mission and Vision

Unwavering Mission: Empowering Industrial Evolution

At the heart of ABPanelPC lies a mission deeply rooted in innovation and service. Our founding principle was not just to create products, but to revolutionize how industries interact with technology. We strive to empower every sector, from manufacturing to healthcare, with advanced, reliable, and user-friendly panel PC solutions. Our mission extends beyond mere functionality; we aim to transform these industries, making them more efficient, agile, and future-ready.

Bridging the Gap:

Our journey began with a simple yet profound goal: to bridge the technological gap in industrial computing. We recognized early on that the industrial sector was in dire need of customized computing solutions - ones that could withstand harsh environments and complex demands. Our mission was, and remains, to meet these needs with innovative products and unparalleled service.

Enhancing Efficiency and Productivity:

Every step we take at ABPanelPC is towards enhancing the efficiency and productivity of our clients' operations. We understand that in the fast-paced industrial world, time is a resource as precious as any. Our panel PCs are designed to maximize uptime, minimize maintenance, and provide a seamless user experience, thereby contributing significantly to operational efficiency.

Vision: Pioneering the Future of Industrial Computing

Our vision is to be at the forefront of the industrial computing revolution. We envision a world where every industrial operation, big or small, is equipped with the most advanced, robust, and intuitive computing solutions. We see ourselves not just as a provider of these solutions but as a partner in our clients' journey towards innovation and excellence.

Innovating for Tomorrow:

Innovation is the cornerstone of our vision. We are constantly exploring new technologies and methodologies to keep our products and services ahead of the curve. Be it through integrating AI for smarter processing, adopting IoT for better connectivity, or exploring sustainable materials for our builds, our focus is firmly set on the future.

Expanding Our Reach:

We envision a future where ABPanelPC's impact transcends geographical and sectorial boundaries. Our aim is to be the go-to provider of industrial computing solutions worldwide, known for our quality, reliability, and innovation. We are continuously working on expanding our reach, understanding and adapting to the unique needs of various markets.

Cultivating a Culture of Excellence:

Our vision extends internally as well - to cultivate a workplace culture that breeds excellence, innovation, and satisfaction. We believe in empowering our employees, providing them with opportunities for growth and innovation. By nurturing their talents and skills, we are not just investing in our people; we are investing in the future of ABPanelPC.

Sustainable and Responsible Growth:

As we grow, we remain committed to sustainability and responsibility. Our vision encompasses a balance between technological advancement and environmental stewardship. We are dedicated to adopting practices that are not only beneficial for our business but also for the community and the planet.

A Journey Towards Excellence

Our mission and vision at ABPanelPC are more than just statements; they are the guiding principles of every action we take. As we continue on this journey, we remain committed to our goals of empowering industries, pioneering innovations, and achieving sustainable, responsible growth.

Our Products and Services

Panel PC

Innovative Solutions for Industrial Needs:
ABPanelPC specializes in high-quality panel PCs designed for the rigors of industrial environments. Our products stand out for their durability, high performance, and adaptability. From rugged designs that withstand harsh conditions to customizable interfaces for specific industry needs, our panel PCs are the cornerstone of industrial computing solutions.

At ABPanelPC, we pride ourselves on offering a diverse and innovative range of products and services designed to meet the dynamic needs of modern industries. Our portfolio is a reflection of our commitment to excellence, innovation, and reliability.

A. Comprehensive Product Line

Tailored Solutions: We specialize in custom-built panel PCs that cater to specific industry requirements. Whether it's for rugged manufacturing environments or precision-demanding healthcare facilities, our products are designed to offer optimal performance.
Technological Superiority: Equipped with the latest in processing technology, our panel PCs boast high-speed performance, reliability, and durability. We incorporate advanced features like multi-touch interfaces, high-definition displays, and robust enclosures to ensure our products meet the highest standards.
Durability and Performance: Our products are constructed with industrial-grade components that ensure longevity and resilience, even in the most challenging conditions. This includes resistance to extreme temperatures, moisture, dust, and vibrations.
Custom Software Development: Beyond hardware, we offer custom software solutions designed to enhance the functionality and efficiency of our panel PCs. This includes application development for automation, data management, and real-time monitoring.

    B. Specialized Services

    Industrial PCConsultation and Customization:


    Expert Guidance: We provide expert consultation to understand the unique requirements of each client. Our team works closely with clients to design solutions that are not just products, but a perfect fit for their specific needs.

    Bespoke Designing: From the hardware specifications to the software ecosystem, every aspect of our product can be customized to suit the specific requirements of our clients' industries.

    Installation and Integration:


    Seamless Integration: Our service includes professional installation and integration of our panel PCs into clients' existing systems. We ensure that the transition is smooth and that our products synergize with existing operations.

    Training and Support: We provide comprehensive training and support to ensure that clients can leverage the full potential of our products. Our support team is always ready to assist with any queries or issues.

    After-Sales Support:


    Reliable Maintenance: Our commitment to our clients extends beyond the sale. We offer dependable maintenance and support services to ensure our products continue to deliver optimal performance.

    Regular Updates: We keep our systems up-to-date with the latest software updates and technological advancements, ensuring they remain at the forefront of industrial computing technology.

      C. Industry-Specific Solutions

      Manufacturing and Automation:

      Our products in manufacturing and automation are designed for efficiency, durability, and precision. They play a crucial role in process automation, real-time monitoring, and control systems.



      In healthcare, our panel PCs facilitate a range of applications from patient monitoring to managing medical records, all while complying with stringent healthcare regulations and standards.

      Retail and Hospitality:
      For retail and hospitality, we offer solutions that enhance customer experience and streamline operations. Our products are used in point-of-sale systems, information kiosks, and digital signage.

      Logistics and Transportation:

      In logistics and transportation, our rugged and reliable PCs are essential for tracking, routing, and managing transportation systems in real-time.

        A Partner in Progress

        At ABPanelPC, we are more than just a provider of industrial computing solutions; we are a partner in our clients' journey towards efficiency and innovation. Our diverse range of products and services is designed to meet not just the needs of today but also the challenges of tomorrow. We remain committed to pushing the boundaries of technology and service, ensuring that our clients always have the best tools to succeed in their respective industries.

        Our Audience

        Serving a Diverse Industrial Spectrum:
        Our primary clientele includes sectors like manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, and automation. ABPanelPC's solutions are crafted to meet the unique challenges and requirements of these diverse industries.

        At ABPanelPC, our audience is as diverse and dynamic as the industries we serve. Our products and services are designed to meet the unique needs of a wide array of sectors, each with its own set of challenges and requirements. Here's a closer look at the key segments of our clientele:

        A. Manufacturing Sector

        • Automation and Control: Our robust panel PCs are extensively used in manufacturing for automation control systems, helping to streamline production lines and increase efficiency.
        • Quality Assurance: Manufacturers also rely on our technology for quality assurance processes, where precision and reliability are paramount.

        B. Healthcare Industry

        • Medical Facilities: We provide specialized computing solutions to healthcare facilities for patient monitoring systems, electronic health records, and medical imaging.
        • Research and Development: Our high-performance PCs are also crucial in research labs for data analysis, simulations, and experimental applications.

        C. Education and Research

        • Educational Institutions: Universities and research institutes utilize our panel PCs for educational purposes, laboratory research, and administrative management.
        • Student Engagement: We also cater to the needs of interactive learning and digital classrooms, enhancing the educational experience for students.

        D. Retail and Hospitality

        • Point of Sale Systems: In the retail sector, our products are integral to point-of-sale systems, inventory management, and digital signage.
        • Customer Service: The hospitality industry benefits from our solutions in enhancing customer service, managing bookings, and streamlining operations.

        E. Logistics and Transportation

        • Supply Chain Management: Our rugged PCs are used in logistics for supply chain management, warehouse operations, and inventory tracking.
        • Transportation Networks: In transportation, our systems facilitate route planning, fleet management, and real-time tracking.

        F. Government and Public Sector

        • Administrative Efficiency: Government bodies use our panel PCs for various administrative functions, improving efficiency and data security.
        • Public Services: Our technology also supports public services like utility management, city planning, and emergency response systems.

        G. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

        • Versatile Solutions: We cater to SMEs by providing versatile and cost-effective computing solutions that help them compete in the larger market.
        • Growth and Scalability: Our products support the growth and scalability of SMEs, offering them the technological edge they need.

        H. Tech Enthusiasts and Innovators

        • Cutting-Edge Technology: For tech enthusiasts and early adopters, our latest innovations offer an opportunity to stay ahead with the most advanced industrial computing solutions.

        Serving a Spectrum of Needs

        The audience we serve at ABPanelPC is a testament to the versatility and adaptability of our products and services. From robust manufacturing environments to the precision-required healthcare sector, from bustling retail outlets to cutting-edge research labs, our solutions are tailored to meet a spectrum of needs. We take pride in understanding the unique challenges of each industry and delivering solutions that not only meet but exceed expectations.

        Core Values

        At ABPanelPC, our core values are the foundational pillars that guide every aspect of our business, from internal decision-making to customer interactions. These values are not just words; they are the essence of our identity and the compass for our journey.

        A. Innovation and Excellence

        • Pioneering Technology: Innovation is at the heart of what we do. We are constantly seeking new ways to improve our products and services, ensuring that we stay ahead of the curve in the fast-evolving world of industrial computing.
        • Pursuit of Excellence: We strive for excellence in every aspect of our business. From the design and manufacturing of our products to customer service and support, we set high standards and consistently aim to exceed them.

        B. Integrity and Transparency

        • Honesty and Ethics: Integrity is the cornerstone of our operations. We conduct our business with the highest ethical standards, ensuring honesty and fairness in all our dealings.
        • Open Communication: Transparency is key in building trust with our clients and partners. We believe in open and honest communication, ensuring that our stakeholders are well-informed and engaged.

        C. Customer-Centric Approach

        • Understanding Customer Needs: Our focus is on understanding and meeting the needs of our customers. We listen to their challenges and tailor our solutions to address those specific requirements.
        • Long-Term Relationships: We strive to build lasting relationships with our customers, based on mutual trust and respect. Our goal is to not just meet customer expectations but to consistently exceed them.

        D. Collaboration and Teamwork

        • Empowering Our Team: We believe that our strength lies in our team. We foster a collaborative work environment where ideas are shared, and innovation is encouraged.
        • Partnerships and Alliances: We value collaboration not just internally but also with our partners and suppliers. We believe that strong partnerships lead to better solutions and greater success.

        E. Sustainability and Responsibility

        • Environmental Stewardship: We are committed to sustainability and minimizing our environmental impact. We continually seek ways to reduce waste, conserve energy, and promote responsible practices.
        • Social Responsibility: As a corporate citizen, we take our social responsibilities seriously. We are committed to contributing positively to our community and to making a difference where we can.

        F. Adaptability and Resilience

        • Embracing Change: In a rapidly changing world, adaptability is crucial. We are agile and flexible, able to quickly respond to changing market demands and emerging challenges.
        • Resilience and Growth: We are resilient in the face of challenges, viewing them as opportunities for growth and learning. We are committed to continuous improvement and development.

        Our Commitment to Our Values

        These core values are not just principles; they are a part of our daily operations and our long-term vision. They guide our decisions, shape our culture, and reflect our commitment to our clients, employees, and community. At ABPanelPC, we are dedicated to upholding these values in every aspect of our work, ensuring that we remain a trusted, respected, and innovative leader in the industrial computing sector.

        Looking Ahead

        At ABPanelPC, our gaze is firmly set on the future - a future we envision to be shaped by innovation, growth, and an unwavering commitment to our clients and the broader community. Here’s how we see our path unfolding in the coming years:

        A. Technological Advancements

        • Embracing Cutting-Edge Innovations: We are continuously exploring emerging technologies to incorporate into our products. Our R&D team is focused on advancements in AI, IoT, and cloud computing, ensuring that our panel PCs remain at the forefront of industrial computing technology.
        • Customization and Flexibility: We are committed to further enhancing the customization and flexibility of our products. This means developing solutions that are not only technologically advanced but also tailored to the unique needs of different industries.

        B. Market Expansion

        • Global Reach: Expanding our global footprint is a key priority. We aim to establish a stronger presence in international markets, adapting our products and services to meet diverse global standards and requirements.
        • Diverse Industries: We are also looking to diversify the industries we serve. While continuing to strengthen our position in sectors where we are already established, we plan to venture into new industries where our technology can make a significant impact.

        C. Sustainable Growth

        • Environmental Responsibility: As we grow, we remain committed to environmental stewardship. Our goal is to develop more energy-efficient products and adopt sustainable practices in all areas of our business.
        • Supporting Green Initiatives: Part of our vision includes supporting and participating in green initiatives that contribute to a more sustainable future.

        D. Community Engagement and Corporate Responsibility

        • Community Involvement: We believe in giving back to the community. Our plans include more active involvement in community projects, educational programs, and partnerships with non-profits.
        • Ethical Practices: Upholding high ethical standards in all our business practices remains a key focus. We are dedicated to maintaining transparency, fairness, and responsibility in all our interactions.

        E. Investing in People

        • Employee Development: Our employees are our greatest asset. We are committed to investing in their development through continuous training, career advancement opportunities, and a supportive work environment.
        • Cultivating Talent: We plan to attract and retain top talent in the industry, fostering a culture of innovation and excellence.

        F. Customer-Centric Innovation

        • Enhancing User Experience: Understanding and anticipating customer needs will continue to drive our innovation. We aim to enhance user experience through intuitive designs, user-friendly interfaces, and responsive customer support.
        • Building Partnerships: We will deepen our relationships with customers and partners, working collaboratively to develop solutions that not only meet but anticipate the challenges of tomorrow.

        A Vision for the Future

        Looking ahead, ABPanelPC is not just envisioning growth in size and revenue, but growth in impact, innovation, and contribution to a better world. We are excited about the journey ahead and are committed to advancing with purpose, passion, and a clear vision for the future. Our goal is to not only be a leader in industrial computing but to be a catalyst for positive change in the industries we serve and the communities we touch.